Establishes Offshore Corporations, LLCs, Trusts, and Bank Accounts · Since 1906

Offshore Jobs

Offshore Company is part of a long tradition that dates clear back to 1977 with the inception of RSI Systems. During its multiple decades of service Offshore Company and its predecessor companies (RSI Systems, 1-800-COMPANY, and PSI Holdings) have upheld outstanding industry reputation of service and trust. The tremendous success story of this company is directly associated with its offshore and onshore based employees.
The very experienced staff members have and will continue to build a company with a culture of safety and productivity that is only possible with hard work, dedication and management support.

Do you have the right stuff to help us continue this mission? If so, Apply today.


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Offshore Company’s Commitment to Health & Safety

Offshore company is committed to safety, employee health and holding ourselves to the highest environmental standards. Our international standards are the highest in our industry. We have a goal of no accidents, no injuries and no environmental harm.

Our company adheres to the following commitments:

  • Foresee accidents before they happen and take action to prevent them.
  • The safety of our associates stands above the importance of any job.
  • We take action to prevent environmental accents from happening.
  • We comply with or surpass government safety requirements.
  • Each individual is responsible for his own safety as well as the safety of others.

We work hard to conserve resources, reduce or eliminate waste, prevent discharges and use our limited energy supply wisely. We also prevent injuries by correcting and dutifully reporting any and all situations and conditions that would result in an accident.

Offshore Company takes responsibility for the safety and well-being of its employees as well as the performance of the individuals and organization. We strive to communicate clearly and listen to input from those who are doing the job. Nobody, not even management, knows it all. We have found that by listening to those who do the job instills a sense of pride for all and helps us make better decisions.  We believe we can meet our business goals, while at the same time, helping our employees reach theirs.

We have goals and measurable targets that we work together to hit, which results in long-term, stable work environment where all can thrive and grow together.



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