Establishes Offshore Corporations, LLCs, Trusts, and Bank Accounts · Since 1906

The 5 Best Reasons to Open an Offshore Bank Account

Chapter 2

offshore asset protection

The top 5 reasons for an offshore bank account are follows:

  1. Provide asset protection from lawsuits
  2. Provide for asset diversification
  3. Stronger banks (see below for proof)
  4. Decrease vulnerability
  5. Peace of mind

All of these reasons are the basic foundations of a healthy financial portfolio. There’s nothing new about this information. BUT, start to pair the basic elements of your personal finances with the lawsuit-happy climate. Then look at the state of the world today. In that light, the 5 main reasons why offshore banking is so popular will make much more sense.

“If there’s one word I want to leave you with today, it’s this…Glocal.” -Natalie Keener from the movie Up in the Air

offshore banking tips

Top 5 Reasons for Offshore Banking

1. Provide Asset Protection

The US has only 4.4% of the world’s population. Shockingly, however, it has 80% of the world’s attorneys and 96% of all lawsuits in the world. Like millions of Americans, you are exposed to the risk of lawsuits every day. For example, you are exposed each time you get into your car and drive. Every time you take on a new customer you potentially expose yourself to a lawyer’s claws. Every time someone walks across your property, with your permission or not, it can trigger a nasty legal battle.

Keep in mind, human beings are the ones who write the laws. It is not some fair and just force in the sky. Also remind yourself of the occupation of those who write the laws. Politicians. Most of whom are lawyers. And when they write the laws, do you think they write them for or against benefit of their own profession? So, what we have to assume is this. Whatever stilts the laws in the favor of a lawyer getting his or her hands in your pockets, just shy of public mutiny, is the way the legislature has written the laws. Lawmakers did not write the laws with “fairness” as the main intent. Most laws are primarily written by, and for the benefit of, members of the legal profession.

Asset Protection Example


We had a formerly wealthy client who was absolutely battered by a series of lawsuits. He was a member of the board of directors at a bank. One of his employees, in his main business, recommended the bank to a customer of his. Our client’s employee did not mention that our client was also a director of the bank. When the bank failed in the real estate crash his customer sued our client for fraud.

They sued him because of his employee’s inadvertent failure to let him know of our client’s position with the bank. His insurance policy refused to defend him because the lawsuit included the word “fraud.” The bank paid him nothing for his position. However, the California Supreme Court just affirmed a $2+ million judgment against our client. Fortunately for him, we put an asset protection plan in place.

After five years of fighting, he opted for bankruptcy. He had just proudly put his daughter through college and had supported his wife, son and ailing mother. Not only did the attorney serving as bankruptcy trustee strip him of everything not tied down. He also sued his wife, children and mother. He sued them for any support they had received from him during the prior four years.

Yes, the bankruptcy trustee sued his daughter for the money her father paid her for college, housing, food, etc. He was furious. Absolutely livid. Is it “fair” that they can sue his daughter personally for the amount her parents paid toward her education? Perhaps the right question, is, “What ups the odds that lawyers get their hands in someone’s pockets?” Asking that question will often tell you the way the law was written. Oh, by the way, the lawyer acting as bankruptcy trustee got one-third of the spoil.


Don’t Rely on Insurance

The exceptions written into today’s policies are tantamount to the fine print of a bait and switch scam. We have seen it repeatedly when clients call with woeful tales. Attorneys can often collect three times the damages plus attorneys fees. They can do so if they can convince a Robin Hood judge that there was an inkling of fraud. As a result, they will often throw in a line or two about fraud in the lawsuit, legitimate or not.

So, regardless of your profession, one certainty is this. Plan on uncertainty when it comes to who will sue you next. Open an offshore account. Hold the account in an asset protection trust or company. This combination can provide you with a way to keepsake your money. You can sleep soundly at night knowing the turbulent legal landscape will not affect you.

Diversify Assets

2. Asset Diversification

What if someone sues you and the lawsuit immediately freezes all of your US bank accounts? What money would you use to defend yourself? How would you pay your bills? We have an associate of the company who is a contractor. Out of the blue, a state agency came and arrested him and six of his employees. Thereafter, they froze all of his bank accounts; all for a minor workers’ compensation insurance violation. They literally had no idea they had done anything wrong.

He made millions of dollars per year. However, he did not even have ready access to the money to bail himself out. It goes without saying he did not even have the resources to hire an attorney to defend him. US judges do not have the authority to put the immediate clamps on money in accounts in other countries. This is especially the case if the bank does not have corresponding US branches; more so if held in a proper offshore trust.

Having some money offshore gives you power to prevent someone from squishing you by the press of a thumb. It can help prevent a legal enemy or overzealous official from falsely accusing you. Without this defence, they could suddenly pull the rug out from underneath you, forcing you to fall at their mercy. It puts you in control and helps keep you in the driver’s seat of your own hard-earned cash.

Investment Options

Additional Investment Options

On another note, you may already be ahead of the financial curve. You likely are if you are seeking investment alternatives and better ways to manage your money. And, more than likely, you frequent news channels like: CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Bloomberg or YouTube financial channels. You may view them to keep abreast of economic trends and the state of the stock market.

Major financial players such as Warren Buffett, George Soros, and, Dr. Michael Burry (Founder of Scion Capital, LLC) were a few of the only predictors of the 2008 US housing failure. They have been expressing warnings of the next Great Depression and collapse of the US dollar. They currently say it is looming, but they don’t know when.

You may already know that Buffett and Soros have been taking cash out American Banks for a number of years. The investment bankers have not learned much from the greed and fraud they perpetrated on the American people. Moreover, they will expect yet another financial bailout. This time, there may not be a bail out by the US government because the US government may have insufficient money to give.

America is the country with the most debt on the planet. The debt figure is the highest ever accumulated by any country in the history of the world. In fact, there are websites where you can track the US Debt in real time. Experts predict that that amount of money could not even be paid back in 40 years. Most of us must face the sober reality that we lack an ISDA Trading Agreement so we can be privy to the secrets of the big boys. So, the next best thing the rest of us can do is to safeguard their money in an offshore account.

strongest offshore banks

3. Sounder Banking Systems

On Global Finance’s most recent report, called, “The World’s 50 Safest Banks,” no big-name US based banks even made the list—not one. Out of 50 banks the United States only has three on the list. Three small agriculture-based banks ranking at #30, #45 and #50 were the only US banks that made it. There is a phrase some use in conjunction with the big US banks to describe the impending doom that is forecasted to occur: Too big to fail. This could not be further from the truth.

Once the banks start to become insolvent (not able to pay debts) due to the ridiculously high debt and having nowhere to turn this time for a government bailout, the money in your investments will be lost. Gone.

The banks will use your savings to pay its own debt. Just like what recently happened in Greece, the banks will close. Thereafter, you will not be able to take money from the ATM because there will be no money left. One may mistakenly say, “Yeah but what if I put my money over yonder and the same thing happens?”

That is where we come in . We research the strongest, safest banks in the world and make most recommendations based on their economic data. Banks don’t just jump from the “safest in the world” list to insolvency in a nanosecond. But what if one holds a fortune in bank not on the “safest” list?  Then what if the bank is in the most in-debt country in the world? Now, that is a cause for real concern.

Best Offshore Account Palm Trees

Danger Ahead: Take Cover Offshore

Many major financial players and economists warn of the dollar collapsing. This collapse is due to the astronomical amount of debt, the pull of oil prices on our economy and the inflation rate.  According to Thomas Metcalf, economist, stockbroker and contributing writer for the online finance website, Zacks, “The Federal Reserve’s target rate for inflation is 2 percent. When inflation fell below its target and showed no signs of picking up, the Federal Reserve and many economists expressed serious concern. With the rate of inflation falling, you cannot help but ask what happens if it drops below zero. That is economists’ concern.”

Put your money in a safer haven, which is not in a large, US bank and not a US stock broker, often tied closely to US banks. Diversify a portion of your investments in a safe, legal, offshore account in one of the safest banks on the globe.


4. Decreased Vulnerability

Never put all of your eggs in one basket. If you do, you significantly increase your chances of losing your money and investments. So, if you are in an occupation where you may be sued at any time, it is a good idea to move some assets to a safe place where they cannot be connected to you. If you are married, if you are single and have a family or if you are just a progressive thinker, putting money offshore is a very smart way to minimize your financial vulnerability.

Indeed, we love and care for our family members. However, that does not mean that we need to use our inheritance to pay off all of their debts once they pass on. The surviving family members are responsible for paying for a deceased loved-ones’ debts with the assets of the deceased. Allocating family money in an offshore account, held by an offshore trust, can shield your birthright from being wiped out after the death of a loved one.

Peace of Mind

5. Peace of Mind

Do not go down with a sinking ship.

Doug Casey, financial author and free-market economist made the keen parallel between the (fall of the) US and the fall of the Roman Empire. Casey said, “We can’t evade the second law of thermodynamics, which holds that entropy conquers everything and that over time all systems degrade and wind down. And that the more complex a system becomes, the more energy it takes to maintain it. The larger and more complex, interconnected, and interdependent it becomes, the more prone it is to breakdown and catastrophic failure. That includes countries and civilizations.”

Or, we can quote the famous music group, Blood, Sweat and Tears, “What goes up must come down.”


Global + Local = “Glocal”

There is a 2009 movie starring George Clooney, titled Up in the Air. In it, a young, ambitious, go-getter, Natalie Keener, played by Anna Kendrick mentions the term “glocal.” Anna’s elders, including Mr. Clooney, are perplexed by this term. Anna then explains that “glocal” is new terminology used to describe the merging of both the global and local marketplace.

Glocal demonstrates that the world is smaller due to technology, free trade and overall business acumen. Either jump on the wagon and expand your horizons, or get left behind. Having a glocal mindset in this day and age is not cutting edge anymore—it is necessary. Offshore banking provides very important and sound ways in which to broaden your investment horizons.

There has been far too much trickery, fraud, manipulation and thievery by the US banking institutions. The same is true for the stock market players and the Federal Reserve. We are facing a combination of the abovementioned financial issues both domestically and ‘glocally.’ This makes it the perfect storm for another financial collapse.

Call the number or complete inquiry form on this page for support and help. Do your own research. Think for yourself and think outside the box—and—think outside the country. Do not become a victim of the US banking system. Diversify and hold some of your funds in an offshore bank account. 

<To chapter 1

To chapter 3>


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